Guiding question

What changes and threats of digitalization cause vulnerabilities for what type of German SME (e. g., domains of craft, commerce and industry)?
What unseens result for SME from interaction between unfavorite relations between ownership, economic value, use, and access to digital data.
What adaptive capacity (e.g., in integrative data analytics) and new competences (including security management) are needed to keep short-, medium-, and long term competitive power with large-scale firms.


Reiner Czichos (CTN München, Donau Uni Krems), Wolfgang Probst (IHK Cottbus), Wolfgang Hofmann (TMG ), Gerd Knienieder (EMUGE), Georg Müller-Christ (Uni Bremen), Diemo Urbig (BTU), André Reichel (Zukunftsinstitut ISM, Stuttgart), Frauke Goll (Forschungszentrum Informatik, Suttgart), Roland W. Scholz (Donau Uni Krems)

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